Unlock the Power of Excel Pivot Tables: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Master Excel Pivot Tables with our easy guide. Learn to prepare data, create, customize, analyze, and unlock advanced features step-by-step.

Dynamic Date Example

by Mihir Kamdar / Last Updated:

excel Pivot Tables tutorial

What You'll Learn In This Ultimate Guide

In this comprehensive guide to Pivot Tables, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to revolutionize your data analysis workflow. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Pivot Tables and how they can be applied in real-world scenarios

  • Prepare your data for Pivot Table analysis, following best practices for structure and formatting.

  • Create your first Pivot Table from scratch, choosing the right fields for rows, columns, and values.

  • Customize your Pivot Table for professional results, including organizing field labels, adjusting column widths, and applying styles and formatting.

  • Perform powerful data analysis with Pivot Table, exploring various calculation methods, summarizing values, and utilizing filters and slicers.

Whether you’re a business professional, data analyst, or simply someone looking to enhance their Microsoft Excel Pivot Table skills, this tutorial will provide you with the foundation you need to become a Pivot Table pro. So, let’s dive in and start unlocking the power of data with Pivot Table!

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Table of Contents


Welcome to the world of Excel Pivot Tables, where data analysis becomes a breeze! In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, you’ll learn how to create, customize, and analyze data using one of the most powerful tools in Microsoft Excel. Whether you’re a business professional, data analyst, or simply looking to enhance your Excel skills, this tutorial will provide you with the foundation you need to become a full Pivot Table creation pro. So, let’s dive in and unlock the power of data with Excel Pivot Table!

1. Understanding the Fundamentals of Pivot Table

Before we start creating Pivot Table, it’s essential to understand what they are and how they work. A Pivot Table is a powerful tool that allows you to summarize data, and analyze data by dynamically rearranging and aggregating it into tables group together based on various criteria. It enables you to explore different perspectives on your data and uncover patterns, trends, and relationships with other data that might not be immediately apparent.

The key components include:

  • Row fields: These are the categories or dimensions that you want to analyze, such as products, regions, or customer segments.

  • Column fields: These are the values or measures that you want to calculate, such as sales, profits, or quantities.

  • Values area: This is where the actual calculations happen, based on the selected row and column fields.

  • Filters: These allow you to narrow down your data to specific subsets, such as a particular time period or a specific product category.

Basic of Pivot Table

To better understand how Pivot Tables can be applied in real-world scenarios, let’s consider a few examples:

1. A sales manager can use a this excel function to analyze sales performance by region and product category identifying top-performing areas and potential growth opportunities.

pivot table real world marketing example

2. A human resources professional can leverage Pivot Tables to summarize employee data, such as employee count, average annual salary, by region to gain insights into workforce trends and make informed decisions.

pivot table real world hr example

3. A financial analyst can utilize Pivot Tables to consolidate and analyze financial data by department and project that provide a clear overview of the company’s financial health.

pivot table real world finance example

Now that we have a solid understanding of what Pivot Tables are and how they can be used, let’s move on to preparing our data for analysis.

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2. Preparing Your Data for Pivot Table Analysis

Before creating a Pivot Table, it’s crucial to ensure that your underlying data itself is structured and formatted correctly. Follow these step-by-step instructions to prepare your data:

2.1. Organize Your Data In A Tabular Format

  • Arrange your data in a table with clearly defined rows and columns.
  • Each row should represent a unique record, while each column should represent a specific attribute or variable.
  • Ensure your table has headers for each column describing the data contained within.

This can quickly be done by clicking anywhere on the Data tab → Go to Insert → Click Table  → Select My table has headers → Click OK.

pivot table table format

2.2. Ensure Data Consistency

  • Review your data to make sure it is consistent across all records.
  • For example, if you have a “Date” column, ensure that all dates are in the same format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY).
  • Standardize any inconsistencies, such as varying spellings or capitalization, to ensure accurate analysis.

Ensure that the order data is the ‘Date’ data type and that the Country column is the proper case. Also, check all the other column such as Name, Region, Item Type, Sales Channel and Order Priority are all proper case.

pivot table data type

2.3. Remove Blank Row Or Columns

  • Scroll through your dataset to identify any blank rows or columns.
  • If a blank row or column does not contain any relevant data, delete it by right-clicking on the row number or column letter and selecting “Delete.”
  • This step helps to avoid interference with the table calculations.

Go to Home → Select Find & Select → Click Go To Special → Click Blanks → Click OK. If you find any blank rows or blank columns then delete those.

pivot table remove blank data

2.4. Use Appropriate Data Types

  • Ensure that each column contains the appropriate data type (e.g., numbers, dates, text) for accurate calculations and analysis.
  • To change the data type of a column, select the entire column, right-click, choose “Format Cells,” and select the appropriate data type from the list.

Select the appropriate data type for each column based on below screesnhot.

pivot table correct data type

Once your first data set is properly structured and formatted, it’s time to select the appropriate data range for your Pivot Table analysis.

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3. Creating Your First Pivot Table: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that your data is prepared let’s walk through the process of creating your first Pivot Table in Microsoft Excel:

1. Go to the Data tab → Select all the Data → Go to Insert → From Table/Range.   

step by step to create pivot table

2. Table1 is the range you selected → Select Existing Worksheet → Location should be Output tab in Cell A1 → Press OK.

pivot table selecting range

3. In the Pivot Table Fields pane, drag and drop the desired fields into the Rows, Columns, Values, and Filters areas.

Filters – This will filter data based on selected data.

Columns – Fields to be displayed at the column level.

Row – Fields to be displayed at the row level.

Values – Contain the summary data, which sum, average, count, etc can summarize.Add Region in Rows and Total Revenue in Values areas.

build pivot table

4. Format the Pivot Table to enhance readability and visual appeal.

  • Change the header to Region and Total Revenue.
  • Add a dollar sign for the Total Revenue column.
pivot table final result

Congratulations! You’ve now created your first Pivot Table. In the next section, we’ll explore how to customize your pivot table in excel, for professional results.

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4. Mastering Pivot Table Customization for Professional Results

Now that you’ve created a basic Pivot Table, let’s dive into customization options to make pivot table for your analysis more professional and visually appealing.

4.1. Organize And Customize Field Labels

  • In the Pivot Table Fields pane, drag Units Sold in the Values area.
  • In the Value Field Settings dialog box, select the desired calculation type (e.g., count). You can select max, min, sum, count, average etc.
  • Change the column name to Total Units Sold.
  • Click OK to add the custom calculation to your Pivot Table.
pivot table organize and clean
  • Change the Total Units Sold to number format with 0 decimal.
pivot table formatting data

4.2. Adjust Column Widths

  • To adjust column widths, hover your mouse over the edge of a column header until you see a double-headed arrow, then click and drag to the desired width.
  • Right-click on a column header to access additional settings, such as autofit and data alignment.
  • Select “Autofit Column Width” to automatically adjust the column width to fit its contents, or choose an alignment option (left, center, right) to format the data within the column.
pivot table column width

4.3. Apply Styles and Formatting

  • Use the PivotTable Design tab in the Excel ribbon to apply predefined styles or create your own custom formatting.
  • Click on the “Style Options” drop-down menu to choose from a variety of table layouts, color schemes, and cell styles.
  • Customize your Table’s appearance by selecting different options for the row headers, column headers, and values area.
  • You can also manually format individual cells, rows, or columns using the formatting tools in the Home tab of the Excel ribbon.
pivot table style

By taking the time to customize your Pivot Table, you’ll create a more polished and professional look for existing table that enhances the readability and impact of your analysis.

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5. Performing Powerful Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables

With your Pivot Table created and customized, it’s time to harness its power for data analysis:

5.1. Explore Various Calculation Methods

  • Drag another Total Revenue in the Value area Right-click on a value field in the Values area and select “Summarize Values By” to access different calculation methods, such as sum, average, min, max, and count.
  • Experiment with these calculation methods to gain different insights from your data. For example, using “Average” for Total Revenue instead of “Sum” can help you identify trends in your data over time.
pivot table performing custom calculation

5.2. summarize Values, Totals And Percentages

  • Right-click on a value field and select “Show Values As” to display your data as percentages, running totals, or differences from a specific value.
  • This feature allows you to quickly analyze the relative importance of different categories or spot trends and changes over time.

Click on Value Field Settings for Average of Total Revenue → Change the Column Name to Rank → Select Rank Largest to Smallest → Click OK.

pivot table summarize data and use rank

Remove Total Units Sold and below is the result.

pivot table final result

5.3. Utilize filters or Slicers

Slicers and filters are interactive filtering tools that allow you to quickly and easily adjust the data displayed in your Pivot Table. Slicers provide buttons that you can click to filter data, while filter allows you to filter data based on the value selected.

To add a filter:

Drag and drop fields into the Filters area to create interactive filters that allow you to focus on specific subsets of your data.

For example, you can filter by item type to analyze performance within those specific parameters.

1. Drag the Item Type column in the Filter area.

2. Select the desired filter criteria (e.g., specific values, date ranges, top/bottom values).

3. Click OK to apply the filter.

You can apply multiple filters to a Pivot Table, allowing you to create highly targeted analysis.

pivot table filter data

To add a slicer:

1. Click on your Pivot Table to activate it.

2. Go to the Analyze tab and click on the Insert Slicer button.

3. Select the field(s) you want to use as slicers and click OK.

4. Click on the slicer buttons to filter your data.

add pivot table slicer

By leveraging these powerful analysis features, you’ll be able to uncover valuable insights from new data and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PivotTable basics?

PivotTable basics involve understanding how to summarize and analyze large datasets by dynamically rearranging and aggregating data based on various criteria. The key components of a PivotTable include row fields (categories or dimensions), column fields (values or measures), values area (where calculations happen), and filters (to narrow down data to specific subsets).

What are the 4 steps to create a PivotTable?
  1. Prepare and select your data range, including headers.
  2. Navigate to the “Insert” tab and click “PivotTable.”
  3. Choose the location for your PivotTable (new worksheet or existing one).
  4. Drag and drop fields into the PivotTable areas (Filters, Columns, Rows, and Values) to create your custom PivotTable.
What are the four main areas of a PivotTable?

The four main areas of a PivotTable are:

  1. Filters: Used to narrow down the data to specific subsets.
  2. Columns: Defines the values or measures displayed horizontally in the PivotTable.
  3. Rows: Defines the categories or dimensions displayed vertically in the PivotTable.
  4. Values: The area where calculations and aggregations happen based on the selected row and column fields.
What are the 3 layouts for a PivotTable?

The three layouts for a PivotTable in Microsoft Excel are:

  1. Compact Form: The default layout where the row fields are displayed in a single column, and the column fields are displayed in a single row.
  2. Outline Form: Each row field is displayed in its own column, providing a more structured and hierarchical view of the data.
  3. Tabular Form: Similar to Outline Form, but with additional emphasis on the row fields, making it easier to read and analyze the data.
How do you categorize in a PivotTable?

To categorize data in a PivotTable, use the row and column fields:

  1. Drag and drop the desired fields into the Rows area to create categories or dimensions for analysis (e.g., products, regions, or customer segments).
  2. Drag and drop additional fields into the Columns area to create subcategories or dimensions for comparison.
  3. The PivotTable will automatically group and summarize the data based on the selected categories.
What is the difference between a Pivot Chart and a Pivot Table?

The main difference between a pivot chart and a PivotTable is their visual representation:

  • A PivotTable is a spreadsheet-like view of summarized and aggregated data, displaying the information in a tabular format with rows, columns, and values.
  • A pivot chart is a graphical representation of the data in a PivotTable, using various chart types (e.g., bar, line, pie) to visually showcase the relationships, patterns, and trends in the data. Pivot charts are dynamic and interactive, automatically updating when the underlying PivotTable data is modified.
How do I create 3 rows in a PivotTable?

To create three rows in a PivotTable:

  1. Ensure your source data has at least three distinct categories or dimensions to be used as row fields.
  2. Drag and drop the first desired field into the Rows area of the PivotTable.
  3. Drag and drop the second desired field into the Rows area, placing it below the first field.
  4. Drag and drop the third desired field into the Rows area, placing it below the second field. The PivotTable will now display three rows, each representing one of the selected categories or dimensions.


In this comprehensive tutorial, you’ve learned the fundamentals of Pivot Tables and how to leverage their power to create Pivot Tables for data analysis in Microsoft Excel.

You’ve learned how to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Pivot Tables and how they can be applied in real-world scenarios

  • Prepare your data for Pivot Table analysis, following best practices for structure and formatting.

  • Create your first Pivot Table from scratch, choosing the right fields for rows, columns, and values.

  • Customize your Table for professional results, including organizing field labels, adjusting column widths, and applying styles and formatting.

  • Perform powerful data analysis with Pivot Table, exploring various calculation methods, summarizing values, and utilizing filters and slicers.

As you continue to practice and explore Pivot Tables, you’ll discover more ways to streamline your data analysis workflows and uncover valuable insights. Keep experimenting with the layouts for different data sets, using updated data, asking new questions, and seeking opportunities to apply your Pivot Table skills in your day-to-day work. With dedication and curiosity, you’ll soon become a pro, equipped to tackle any data challenge that comes your way.


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