Mastering Excel Charts: A Comprehensive Guide to Treemap Charts for Professionals

Excel Charts: Explore our guide on mastering treemap charts. Learn to create, customize, and use treemap charts professionally for clear data insights.

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by Mihir Kamdar / Last Updated:

C37 YouTube V22 Excel Treemap Charts Professional Guide to Data Visualization

What You'll Learn In This Guide

This comprehensive guide on mastering Excel treemap charts. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:

  • The definition and benefits of Treemap charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing Treemap charts.
  • Techniques for analyzing data and identifying trends using Treemap charts.
  • Tips for using Treemap charts effectively and presenting insights.

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Table of Contents


Excel Treemap charts are powerful tools for visualizing and comparing hierarchical data, allowing you to quickly identify patterns, trends, and relationships within your dataset. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various aspects of creating and interpreting Excel Treemap charts, empowering you to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions in your professional life.

1. Understanding Treemap Charts

Before diving into the new sheet creation process, let’s first understand what Treemap charts are and how they can benefit your data analysis.

excel charts treemap charts

1.1. Definition and Purpose of Treemap Charts

A Treemap chart is a data visualization tool that displays hierarchical data using nested rectangles of varying sizes and colors. Each rectangle represents a category or subcategory, with the size chart area of the rectangle proportional to the value it represents. The format chart area and color of the rectangles can also be used to represent an additional dimension of the data, such as performance or growth.

Treemap charts are particularly useful for:

  • Visualizing large, complex datasets in a compact and intuitive format

  • Identifying the relative importance or contribution of each data category

  • Comparing values across different levels of a hierarchy

  • Spotting patterns, trends, and outliers quickly and easily

excel charts definition and purpose of treemap charts

1.2. Recognizing the Benefits of Using Treemap Charts

Treemap charts offer a visual representation number data with several benefits for data visualization and analysis:

1. Efficient use of space: Treemap charts can display a large amount of hierarchical data in a compact and visually appealing format, making them ideal for dashboards and presentations.

2. Relative comparison: By using the size and color of rectangles to represent data values, Treemap charts allow for easy comparison of the relative importance or contribution of each category or subcategory.

3. Pattern recognition: The nested structure of Treemap charts makes it easy to identify patterns, trends, and outliers within the data, helping you quickly spot areas that require further investigation or action.

4. Drill-down capability: Many Treemap chart tools, including Excel, allow users to drill down into the data by clicking on a rectangle to reveal more detailed information or subcategories.

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2. Creating a Treemap Chart in Excel

Now that you understand the basics of Treemap charts, let’s walk through the step-by-step process of creating one in Excel.

excel charts building treemap charts

2.1. Preparing Your Data

1. Open a new Excel workbook and enter your hierarchical data in a tabular format, with columns for each level of the hierarchy and a column for the value.

2. For this example, we’ll use the following dataset:

3. Ensure that your data is consistent and free of errors or missing values.

excel charts preparing data for treemap charts

2.2. Inserting a Treemap Chart

1. Select the entire data range, including the column headers.

2. Go to the “Insert” tab on the Excel ribbon.

3. In the “Charts” group, click on the “Treemap” icon.

4. Excel will create a basic Treemap chart based on your selected data range.

excel charts inserting treemap charts

2.3. Customizing the Chart

1. Chart Title: To add or modify the chart title, select the chart and go to the “Chart Tools” tab on the ribbon. Click on the “Chart Title” option in the “Labels” group and choose the desired title position or type your own title.

2. Labels: To add or modify data labels, select the chart and go to the “Chart Tools” tab on the ribbon. Click on the “Data Labels” option in the “Labels” group and choose the desired label position and content.

3. Legend: To add or remove a legend, select the chart and go to the “Chart Tools” tab on the ribbon. Click on the “Legend” option in the “Labels” group and choose the desired legend position or select “None” to remove it.

4. Colors: To change the color scheme of your Treemap chart, select the chart and go to the “Chart Tools” tab on the ribbon. Click on the “Change Colors” option in the “Chart Styles” group and choose a color scheme that suits your needs or matches your branding.

By customizing the chart type the treemap chart option with elements and formatting options, you can create a Treemap chart that effectively communicates your data story and engages your audience.

excel charts customizing treemap charts
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3. Analyzing Data with a Treemap Chart

One of the primary advantages of using Treemap charts is the ability to quickly analyze and interpret hierarchical data.

3.1. Identifying Trends and Patterns

1. Examine the relative size of the rectangles: Larger rectangles represent categories or subcategories with higher values, indicating their importance or contribution to the whole.

2. Look for patterns in the arrangement of rectangles: Are there clusters of similar-sized rectangles? Do certain categories consistently have larger or smaller rectangles across different levels of the hierarchy?

3. Pay attention to outliers: Are there any rectangles that are significantly larger or smaller than others in their category or subcategory? These may represent anomalies or areas that require further investigation.

excel charts identifying trends and patterns of treemap charts

3.2. Making Comparisons

1. Compare the size of rectangles within a category: How do the subcategories within a given category compare to each other in terms of their value or contribution?

2. Compare the size of rectangles across categories: How do the values or contributions of different categories compare to each other? Are there any categories that are consistently larger or smaller than others?

3. Use the color-coding of rectangles to compare an additional dimension of the data: For example, if the color represents performance or growth, look for patterns or outliers in the color distribution across categories and subcategories.

By identifying trends, patterns, and data series making comparisons between data series, you can gain valuable insights into your hierarchical data and make data-driven decisions based on your findings.

excel charts making comparison of treemap charts
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4. Tips for Using Treemap Charts Effectively

To ensure your Treemap charts are effective and impactful, consider the following tips:

1. Choose an appropriate level of detail: Avoid overcrowding your Treemap chart with too many levels of hierarchy or small rectangles that are difficult to read. Strike a balance between providing sufficient detail and maintaining clarity and readability.

2. Use meaningful labels and colors: Ensure that your labels are clear, concise, and informative, providing essential context without cluttering the chart. Use colors that are easy to distinguish and align with your brand or message, avoiding overly bright or clashing colors that may distract from the data.

3. Highlight key insights: Use formatting options, such as border thickness or transparency, to draw attention to the most important or surprising findings in your Treemap chart. Consider adding annotations or callouts to provide additional context or explanations for key insights.

4. Provide context and interpretation: Include a descriptive title, subtitle, or caption that clearly communicates the main takeaway or story behind your Treemap chart. Use annotations, legends, or accompanying text to guide your audience’s understanding and interpretation of the data.

By following these chart design tips and best practices, you can create Treemap charts that are visually engaging, informative, and persuasive, helping you communicate your next data point or story effectively and drive meaningful action.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a treemap chart in Excel?

A treemap chart in Excel is a data visualization tool that displays hierarchical data using nested rectangles of varying sizes and colors. Each rectangle represents a category or subcategory, with the size of the rectangle proportional to the value it represents. Treemap charts allow users to quickly identify patterns, trends, and relationships within large, complex datasets.

What is a treemap chart good for?

Treemap charts are particularly useful for:

  1. Visualizing large, hierarchical datasets in a compact and intuitive format
  2. Comparing the relative sizes or contributions of different categories or subcategories
  3. Identifying patterns, trends, and outliers within the data
  4. Making efficient use of space in dashboards or presentations
  5. Allowing users to drill down into the data by clicking on rectangles to reveal more detailed information or subcategories
How does the treemap chart show values in Excel?

In an Excel treemap chart, the values are represented by the size and color of the rectangles:

  1. Size: The size of each rectangle is proportional to the value it represents. Larger rectangles indicate higher values, while smaller rectangles represent lower values.
  2. Color: The color of the rectangles can be used to represent an additional dimension of the data, such as performance, growth, or category. Excel automatically assigns colors to the rectangles based on the selected color scheme, but users can customize the colors to suit their needs or brand guidelines.
  3. Labels: Data labels can be added to the rectangles to display the category name, value, or other relevant information, providing additional context and clarity to the chart.
How do I create a tree diagram in Excel?

To create a tree diagram (also known as a treemap chart) in Excel:

  1. Organize your data in a hierarchical format, with columns for each level of the hierarchy and a column for the value.
  2. Select the entire data range, including the column headers.
  3. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the Charts group, click on the Treemap icon.
  5. Excel will create a basic treemap chart based on your selected data range.
  6. Customize the chart elements, such as the title, labels, colors, and formatting, to suit your needs and preferences.
How can I make a tree chart?

To create a tree chart (treemap chart) in Excel:

  1. Prepare your data in a hierarchical format, with columns for each level of the hierarchy and a column for the value.
  2. Select the data range, including the column headers.
  3. Navigate to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the Charts group, click on the Treemap icon.
  5. Excel will generate a basic tree chart based on your data.
  6. Customize the chart elements, such as the title, labels, colors, and formatting, using the Chart Tools options on the ribbon.
  7. Modify the chart layout and style to make it visually appealing and easy to interpret.
  8. Add data labels, a legend, or other chart elements as needed to enhance clarity and readability.
  9. Adjust the chart size and position to fit your worksheet or dashboard.
  10. Use filters, slicers, or drill-down functionality to allow users to interact with the tree chart and explore the data at different levels of detail.


Mastering Excel Treemap charts is essential for professionals looking to effectively analyze and communicate hierarchical data, identify patterns and trends, and make data-driven decisions.

You’ve learned how to:

  • The definition and benefits of Treemap charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing Treemap charts.
  • Techniques for analyzing data and identifying trends using Treemap charts.
  • Tips for using Treemap charts effectively and presenting insights.

By putting these lessons into practice and continually refining your Excel Treemap chart design skills, you’ll be able to communicate complex hierarchical data in a visually compelling and easily understandable format


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