Mastering Excel Charts: A Comprehensive Guide to Map Charts for Professionals

Excel Charts: Explore our guide on mastering map charts. Learn to create, customize, and use map charts professionally for clear data insights.

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by Mihir Kamdar / Last Updated:

C38 YouTube V23 Master Excel Map Charts Professional Guide to Geographic Data Visualization

What You'll Learn In This Guide

This comprehensive guide on mastering Excel map charts. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:

  • The definition and purpose of Excel map charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing map charts.
  • Advanced features and techniques for working with geographic data.
  • Tips and tricks for creating visually appealing and informative map charts.

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Table of Contents


Excel map charts are powerful tools for visualizing and analyzing data with either a value or geographical component, allowing you to quickly identify patterns, trends, and relationships across different regions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various aspects of creating and interpreting Excel map charts, empowering you to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions in your professional life.

1. Understanding Excel Charts (Map Charts)

Before diving into the creation process category map above, let’s first understand what Excel map charts are and how they can benefit your data analysis.

excel charts map charts

1.1. Definition and Purpose of Excel Map Charts

An Excel map chart is a data visualization tool that displays data values on a geographic map, allowing users to quickly identify patterns, trends, and relationships across different geographical regions. Map charts are particularly useful for:

  • Visualizing data with a geographical context, such as sales by country, population density, or resource distribution

  • Identifying regional patterns, outliers, or anomalies that may require further investigation or action

  • Communicating insights effectively to stakeholders and decision-makers, as map charts are intuitive and visually appealing

excel charts definition and purpose of map charts

1.2. Exploring the Benefits of Using Map Charts in Excel

Map charts offer several benefits for data visualization and analysis:

1. Geographical Context: Map charts provide a clear and meaningful context for your data by displaying it on a familiar geographic layout, making it easier for your audience to understand and interpret the information.

2. Pattern Recognition: By using colors, shading, or symbols to represent data values, map charts allow you to quickly identify regional patterns, trends, and outliers that might be difficult to discern from a table or other chart types.

3. Enhanced Communication: Map charts are an effective way to communicate insights to stakeholders and decision-makers, as they are visually engaging and can convey complex information in a concise and accessible format.

4. Interactivity: Excel map charts can be made interactive with features like zooming, panning, and filtering, allowing users to explore the data at different levels of detail and focus on specific regions of interest.

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2. Creating an Excel Map Chart

Now that you have your data prepared and have chosen the appropriate map chart type, let’s walk through the step-by-step process of the map chart feature creating a map chart in Excel.

excel charts creation of map charts

2.1. Selecting the Data Range

1. In your Excel worksheet, select the data range you want to use for your map chart, including the column headers (State and Sales, in this example).

2. Make sure that your selection does not include any blank rows or columns, as this can cause issues when creating the map chart.

excel charts selecting data for map charts

2.2. Inserting the Map Chart

1. With your data range selected, go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.

2. In the Charts group, click on the Maps dropdown menu.

3. Choose the Filled Map chart type from the available options.

4. Excel will automatically create a filled map chart based on your selected data range.

excel charts inserting map charts

2.3. Customizing the Map Chart

1. Chart Title: To add or modify the chart title, click on the map chart to select it, then click on the “Chart Title” placeholder and type in your desired title (e.g., “Sales Performance by State”).

2. Legend: Excel will automatically create a color scale legend based on your data values. To modify the legend, right-click on it and select “Format Legend.” In the Format Legend pane, you can change the legend position, font, color scheme, and other properties.

3. Data Labels: To display the actual sales values on the map, right-click on any shaded state and select “Add Data Labels.” You can then format the data labels by right-clicking and selecting “Format Data Labels,” adjusting properties like font, size, color, and number format.

4. Color Scheme: To change the color scheme of your filled map, click on the map chart to select it, then go to the Design tab under Chart Tools. In the Chart Styles group, click on the “Change Colors” dropdown menu and select a color scheme that suits your preferences or matches your branding.

excel charts customizing map charts
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3. Advanced Features of Excel Map Charts

Excel offers several advanced features and techniques for working with map charts and geographic data.

3.1.Utilizing Built-in Geography Data Types

1. Excel has built-in geographic data types for countries, states, counties, and cities, which can automatically match your data to the correct regions on the map.

2. To use this feature, make sure your data table includes a column with standard geographic names.

3. Select the data in the geographic column, then go to the Data tab on the Excel ribbon and click on “Geography” in the Data Types group. Excel will attempt to match your data to its built-in geographic database and convert the values to geographic data types.

4. If Excel successfully matches your data, you’ll see a small globe icon next to each cell in the geographic column. You can then create a map chart using this data, and Excel will automatically use the correct regions and boundaries.

excel charts use built in geography data for map charts

3.2. Using the Chart Editing Features

1. You can move the map chart to a chart tab. Right-mouse click on the chart and select Move Chart. Select New Sheet called Chart1 and Press OK.

excel charts editing map charts

2. To highlight specific country or data points, click on the country and go to format tab. Go to shape fill and select the color.

map chart highlight country

By using these advanced features, you can create more informative, interactive, and dynamic map charts that help users explore and understand your geographic data.

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4. Tips for Using map Charts Effectively

To create compelling and informative map charts, consider the following tips and best practices:

1. Use clear and concise labels, titles, and legends to help your audience understand what the map chart represents. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse or alienate your readers.

2 Choose colors that are easy to distinguish and appropriate for your data. Use a sequential color scheme for ordered data (e.g., from light to dark), a diverging color scheme for data with a middle point (e.g., positive and negative values), and a qualitative color scheme for categorical data (e.g., different products or regions).

3. Customize the appearance of your map chart to match your branding or presentation style. Use fonts, colors, and design elements that are consistent with your overall visual identity and communication goals.

4. Test your map chart with a sample audience to get feedback on its clarity, relevance, and impact. Use their input to refine your design and messaging, and iterate until you have a map chart that effectively communicates your insights and drives action.

By following these tips and tricks, you can create Excel map charts that are visually appealing, informative, and persuasive, helping you stand out as a data-driven professional and decision-maker.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the limitations of map chart in Excel?

While Excel map charts are powerful tools for visualizing geographic data, they do have some limitations:

  1. Limited customization: Excel map charts offer basic customization options, but they may not be as flexible or comprehensive as dedicated mapping software or GIS tools.
  2. Geocoding accuracy: Excel relies on its built-in geographic data to match your data to the correct regions on the map. If your data contains non-standard or ambiguous location names, Excel may have difficulty accurately plotting them on the map.
  3. Map resolution: Excel map charts use pre-defined map templates, which may not provide the level of detail or granularity needed for certain applications, such as visualizing data at the neighborhood or street level.
  4. Interactivity: While Excel map charts can be made somewhat interactive with slicers and timelines, they may not offer the same level of interactivity and exploration as web-based mapping tools or dashboards.
  5. Limited map projections: Excel map charts use a default map projection, which may not be suitable for all geographic regions or use cases. Users cannot easily change the map projection within Excel.
What kind of data works best with filled map charts?

Filled map charts (also known as choropleth maps) work best with data that:

  1. Is aggregated or summarized at the level of geographic regions, such as countries, states, counties, or postal codes.
  2. Represents a continuous or sequential variable, such as population density, income levels, or temperature ranges.
  3. Has a clear and meaningful color scale that accurately reflects the distribution and patterns of the data.
  4. Is not too granular or sparse, as this can make the map difficult to read or interpret.

Examples of data well-suited for filled map charts include population density by state, per capita income by country, or crime rates by neighborhood.

Can you zoom in on Excel map?

Yes, you can zoom in and out on an Excel map chart to focus on specific regions or see more detail. To zoom in or out:

  1. Click on the map chart to select it.
  2. Locate the zoom controls in the bottom-right corner of the chart area.
  3. Click on the plus (+) button to zoom in or the minus (-) button to zoom out.
  4. You can also click and drag the zoom slider to adjust the zoom level more gradually.
  5. To pan the map view, click and drag the map chart itself to move it in the desired direction.


Mastering Excel map charts is essential for professionals looking to effectively analyze and communicate geographic data, identify regional patterns and trends, and make data-driven decisions.

You’ve learned how to:

  • The definition and purpose of Excel map charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing map charts.
  • Advanced features and techniques for working with geographic data.
  • Tips and tricks for creating visually appealing and informative map charts.


By putting these lessons into practice and continually refining your Excel map chart skills, you’ll be able to communicate complex geographic and geographical data in a visually compelling and easily understandable format.


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