Mastering Column Chart in Excel: A Comprehensive Guide for Professionals

Excel Charts: Dive into our guide on mastering column charts. Learn to create, customize, and use column charts professionally for clear data insights.

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by Mihir Kamdar / Last Updated:

C31 YouTube V16 Excel Column Charts Professional Guide to Data Visualization

What You'll Learn In This Guide

This comprehensive guide on mastering Excel column charts. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:

  • The definition and purpose of Excel column charts.
  • The benefits of using column charts for data visualization and communication.
  • The different types of column charts available in Excel, including clustered, stacked, 100% stacked, and 3-D charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing column charts in Excel.
  • Best practices for effective data visualization, such as choosing the right chart style, using colors and labels effectively, and highlighting trends and patterns.
  • Common mistakes to avoid when creating column charts, such as misrepresenting data, overloading the chart with information, or not providing adequate context.

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Table of Contents


Excel column charts are powerful tools for visualizing and comparing categorical data. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating and customizing Excel column charts, empowering you to create compelling and professional-looking visualizations that drive understanding and decision-making.

1. Understanding Column Charts

Before diving into creating column charts, let’s first understand what they are and why they are useful.

excel charts column chart

1.1. What is a Column Chart?

A column chart is a type of graph that uses vertical bars to represent data values across different categories. The height of each column is proportional to the value it represents in existing chart, making it easy to compare values and identify patterns or trends.

Column charts are particularly useful when you want to compare data to:

  • Compare values across different categories or groups.
  • Show changes in data over time.
  • Highlight differences between data points.
  • Display data that is organized into categories or intervals.
excel charts column chart

1.2. Benefits of Using Column Charts

1. Visual Comparison: Column charts allow you to quickly compare values across categories, making it easy to identify the highest or lowest values, as well as any significant differences between data points.

2. Trend Identification: By arranging your data chronologically or in a meaningful order, column charts can help you spot trends or patterns over time, such as growth, decline, or fluctuations.

3. Effective Communication: Column charts are intuitive and easy to understand, even for non-technical audiences. They provide a clear and concise way to present your data and communicate your insights effectively.

4. Versatility: Excel offers various types of column charts, such as clustered, stacked, and 100% stacked, allowing you to choose the best representation for your data and message.

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2. Exploring Different Types of Column Charts in Excel

Excel offers several types of column charts to suit different data and visualization needs. Let’s explore each type basic column chart and learn how to create them.

excel charts different types of column charts

2.1. Clustered Column Charts

Clustered column charts are the most common type of column chart, displaying multiple data series side-by-side for easy comparison.

To create a clustered column chart:

1. Arrange your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and data series in subsequent columns.

2. Select the entire data range, including headers.

3. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on the “Insert Column or Bar Chart” button.

4. Choose the “Clustered Column” chart type from the dropdown menu.

Excel will automatically create a clustered column chart based on your data, with each data series represented the entire chart by a different color.

excel charts cluster column charts

2.2. Stacked Column Charts

Stacked column charts display the composition of sample data for each category, showing how each data series contributes to the total value.

To create a stacked column chart:

1. Arrange your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and data series in subsequent columns.

2. Select the entire data range, including headers.

3. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on the “Insert Column or Bar Chart” button.

4. Choose the “Stacked Column” chart type from the dropdown menu.

Excel will create a stacked column chart, with each data series stacked on top of the other within each category.

excel charts stacked column charts

2.3. 100% Stacked Column Charts

100% stacked column charts display the percentage composition of each category, allowing you to compare the relative proportions of each data series.

To create a 100% stacked column chart:

1. Arrange your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and data series in subsequent columns.

2. Select the entire data range, including headers.

3. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on the “Insert Column or Bar Chart” button.

4. Choose the “100% Stacked Column” chart type from the dropdown menu.

Excel will create a 100% stacked column chart, with each category represented as a percentage of the total value.

excel charts 100 percent stacked column charts

2.4. 3-D Column Charts

3-D column charts add depth and visual interest to your data, making your charts more engaging and memorable.

To create a 3-D column chart:

1. Arrange your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and data series in subsequent columns.

2. Select the entire data range, including headers.

3. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on the “Insert Column or Bar Chart” button.

4. Choose one of the 3-D column chart types from the dropdown menu, such as “3-D Clustered Column” or “3-D Stacked Column.”

Excel will create a 3-D column chart based on your selected type, adding depth and perspective to your spreadsheet data visualization.

excel charts 3d column charts
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3. Creating a Column Chart in Excel

Now that you understand the different types of column charts, let’s walk through the process of creating one in Excel.

3.1. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Column Chart

1. Prepare your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and data series in subsequent columns. For example:

2. Select the entire data range, including headers (A1:C13 in this example).

3. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on the “Insert Column or Bar Chart” button.

4. Choose the desired column chart type from the dropdown menu, such as “Clustered Column” or “Stacked Column.”

5. Excel will insert the selected column chart into your worksheet, based on your data range.

excel charts cluster column charts

3.2. Customizing Your Column Chart

Once you have created your column chart, you can customize it to better suit your needs and preferences.

1. Chart Title: Click on the chart title and type in a descriptive and meaningful title that clearly communicates the purpose of your chart.

2. Axis Titles: Click on the chart and select the “+” button on the right side of the chart. Check the “Axis Titles” box to add titles for the horizontal (category) and vertical (value) axes. Click on each axis title to edit the text.

3. Legend: If your chart has multiple data series, you can customize the legend by clicking on it and using the formatting options in the “Format Legend” pane. You can change the position, font, color, and other properties of the legend.

excel charts customizing column charts

4. Colors and Styles: Click on the chart and go to the Design tab on the ribbon. In the Chart Styles group, you can choose from various pre-built color schemes and styles. You can also click on the Chart Elements dropdown (the “+” button) and select individual elements, such as the plot area or data series, to format them manually.

By customizing these elements, you can create a simple column chart, that effectively communicates your data and aligns with your branding or presentation style.

excel charts adding color column charts
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4. Tips for Effective Data Visualization with Column Charts

To create compelling and impactful column charts, follow these best practices for data visualization.

4.1. Choosing the Right Chart Type

1. Consider your audience and the purpose of your chart when selecting a chart style. For formal presentations or reports, choose a clean and professional style. For more casual or creative settings, you can experiment with bolder colors and designs.

2. Ensure that your chart style enhances readability and comprehension. Avoid using too many colors or patterns that may distract from the data itself.

3. Use your organization’s branding guidelines, if available, to maintain consistency across your charts and presentations.

excel charts different types of column charts

4.2. Using Colors and Labels Effectively

1. Use colors that are easy to distinguish and visually appealing. Avoid using too many colors or colors that are too similar, as this can make your chart difficult to interpret.

2. Choose colors that are appropriate for the data and message you want to convey. For example, use red for negative values or green for positive growth.

3. Use clear and concise labels for the chart title, axes, and data series. Avoid using abbreviations or jargon that may confuse your audience.

4. Ensure that your labels are legible and positioned appropriately. Avoid overlapping or truncated labels that may hinder readability.

excel charts adding color to the column charts

4.3. Highlighting Trends and Patterns in Your Data

1. Use data labels or callouts to highlight specific values or data points that are important to your message. This can help draw your audience’s attention to key insights or trends.

2. Consider adding trendlines to your chart to show the overall direction or pattern of your data over time. To add a trendline, right-click on a data series and select “Add Trendline” from the context menu.

3. Sort your data in a meaningful order, such as from largest to smallest or chronologically, to reveal patterns or comparisons that may be hidden in unsorted data.

4. Use annotations or comments to provide additional context or explanations for your data, especially if there are outliers or unusual values that may require further clarification.

By following these tips for effective data visualization, you can create column charts that are both visually appealing and informative, helping your audience better understand and engage with your data.

excel charts adding trendline to the column charts
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5. Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Column Charts

To ensure your column charts are accurate and effective, avoid these common pitfalls.

5.1. Misrepresenting Data

1. Using the wrong chart type: Ensure that a column chart is the most appropriate choice for your data and message. If you want to show the composition of a whole, a pie chart or stacked column chart may be more suitable.

2. Truncating the vertical axis: Avoid starting the vertical axis at a value other than zero, as this can exaggerate the differences between data points and mislead your audience.

excel charts column charts common mistake misrepresenting data

5.2. Overloading the Chart with Information

1. Too many data series: Limit the number of data series in your column chart to avoid clutter and confusion. If you have more than 5-7 data series, consider using a different chart type, such as a line chart or a stacked column chart.

2. Too many categories: Similarly, avoid including too many categories on the horizontal axis, as this can make your chart difficult to read and interpret. If you have more than 10-12 categories, consider grouping them into broader categories or using a different chart type, such as a line chart with a scrolling axis.

3. Unnecessary chart elements: Remove any chart elements that do not add value or clarity to your message, such as gridlines, data labels, or 3-D effects. Keep your chart clean and focused on the essential information.

excel charts column charts common mistake overloading chart information

5.3. Not Providing Adequate Context or Explanation

1. Missing or vague chart title: Always include a clear and descriptive title that summarizes the main message or purpose of your chart. Avoid generic titles like “Sales Data” or “Column Chart.”

2. Incomplete axis labels: Ensure that your axis labels include the units of measurement and any necessary context, such as the time period or data source. Avoid using abbreviations or technical terms that may confuse your audience.

3. Lack of data labels or legend: If your chart includes multiple data series or categories, provide a legend or data labels to help your audience identify and compare the values. If your chart is complex or includes unfamiliar terms, consider adding a brief explanation or glossary.

excel charts column charts common mistake not providing adequate context

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create column charts that are accurate, effective, and easy to understand, ensuring that your audience receives the intended message and insights from your data.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a column chart in Excel?

To create a column chart in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and values in the second column.
  2. Select the data range, including the column headers.
  3. Go to the “Insert” tab on the ribbon.
  4. In the “Charts” group, click on the “Column” chart type.
  5. Choose the desired column chart subtype, such as “Clustered Column” or “Stacked Column.”
How do I make a chart with multiple columns in Excel?

To create a chart with multiple columns in Excel:

  1. Arrange your data in a tabular format, with categories in the first column and data series in subsequent columns.
  2. Select the entire data range, including headers.
  3. Go to the “Insert” tab on the ribbon.
  4. In the “Charts” group, click on the “Column” chart type.
  5. Choose a column chart subtype that supports multiple data series, such as “Clustered Column” or “Stacked Column.”
  6. Excel will create a column chart with multiple data series, each represented by a different color.
What is the difference between a bar chart and a column chart?

The primary difference between a bar chart and a column chart is the orientation of the bars:

  • In a column chart, the bars are vertical, with the categories on the horizontal axis and the values on the vertical axis.
  • In a bar chart, the bars are horizontal, with the categories on the vertical axis and the values on the horizontal axis. Both chart types are used to compare values across categories, but column charts are more commonly used and are the default option in Excel.
How do I edit a column chart in Excel?

To edit a column chart in Excel:

  1. Click on the chart to select it.
  2. Use the “Chart Tools” tabs that appear on the ribbon (Design, Format, and Data) to access various editing options.
  3. Modify the chart elements, such as titles, axes, labels, and colors, using the options in the “Design” and “Format” tabs.
  4. Update the chart data or data range using the “Select Data” option in the “Data” tab.
  5. Apply chart styles, layouts, or templates from the “Design” tab to quickly change the appearance of your chart.
How do I edit a column chart?

To edit a column chart in Excel:

  1. Click on the chart to select it.
  2. Use the “Chart Tools” tabs (Design, Format, and Data) to access various editing options.
  3. Modify the chart elements, such as titles, axes, labels, and colors, using the options in the “Design” and “Format” tabs.
  4. Update the chart data or data range using the “Select Data” option in the “Data” tab.
  5. Apply chart styles, layouts, or templates from the “Design” tab to quickly change the appearance of your chart.
  6. To modify individual chart elements, click on the element and use the formatting options that appear in the “Format” pane or right-click menu.
How do you change the layout of the column chart?

To change the layout of a column chart in Excel:

  1. Click on the chart to select it.
  2. Go to the “Design” tab under “Chart Tools” on the ribbon.
  3. In the “Chart Layouts” group, click on the “Quick Layout” dropdown to see pre-built layout options.
  4. Hover over each layout to preview how it would look on your chart.
  5. Click on the desired layout to apply it to your chart.
  6. For more control over individual layout elements, use the “Add Chart Element” dropdown in the “Chart Layouts” group to add, remove, or modify specific chart elements, such as titles, labels, or legends.


Mastering Excel column charts is essential for creating compelling and informative data visualizations that drive understanding and decision-making. By understanding the different types of column charts, following best practices for data visualization, and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be well-equipped to create charts that effectively communicate your insights to your audience.

You’ve learned how to:

  • The definition and purpose of Excel column charts.
  • The benefits of using column charts for data visualization and communication.
  • The different types of column charts available in Excel, including clustered, stacked, 100% stacked, and 3-D charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing column charts in Excel.
  • Best practices for effective data visualization, such as choosing the right chart style, using colors and labels effectively, and highlighting trends and patterns.
  • Common mistakes to avoid when creating column charts, such as misrepresenting data, overloading the chart with information, or not providing adequate context.

You can create powerful and engaging data visualizations by continually practicing and refining your Excel column chart design skills.



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