Mastering Excel Charts: A Comprehensive Guide to Histogram Charts for Professionals

Excel Charts: Explore our guide on mastering histogram charts. Learn to create, customize, and use histogram charts professionally for clear data insights.

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by Mihir Kamdar / Last Updated:

C34 YouTube V19 Excel Histogram Charts The Ultimate Guide for Professionals

What You'll Learn In This Guide

This comprehensive guide on mastering Excel histogram charts. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:

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Excel histogram charts are powerful tools for visualizing and analyzing the distribution of your data. In this comprehensive guide to embedded histogram chart, we’ll explore the various aspects of creating and interpreting Excel histogram charts, empowering you to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions in your professional life.

1. Understanding Excel Chart (Histogram Charts)

Before diving into the creation process, let’s first understand what histogram charts are and how they can benefit your data analysis.

excel charts histogram charts

1.1. Understanding the Definition and Purpose of Histogram Charts

A histogram chart is a graphical representation of the distribution of a dataset. It consists of a series of bars, called bins, which represent the frequency or count of data points falling within a specific range. The height of each bar indicates the number of data points within that bin.

Histogram charts are particularly useful for:

  • Visualizing the shape and spread of a dataset

  • Identifying the central tendency (mean, median, mode) of the data

  • Detecting outliers, gaps, or clusters in the data

  • Comparing the distribution of different datasets

Key components of a histogram chart include:

  • Bins: The intervals or ranges into which the data is divided

  • Frequency: The number of data points falling within each bin

  • Data range: The minimum and maximum values of the dataset

excel charts understand and purpose of histogram charts
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2. Creating a Histogram Chart in Excel

Now that you understand the basics of histogram charts, let’s walk through the step-by-step process of creating one in Excel.

2.1. Preparing Your Data

1. Open a new Excel workbook and enter your data in a single column. For this example, let’s use the following dataset:

2. Ensure that your data is in a single column, without any gaps or empty cells.

3. If your data has headers, make sure to include them in the first row of your dataset.

excel charts histogram charts prepare data

2.2. Selecting the Data Range

1. Click and drag your mouse to select the entire data range, including the column header (if applicable). In this example, select cells A1:B101.

2. Make sure that your selection does not include any empty cells or unrelated data.

excel charts selecting data for histogram charts

2.3. Inserting the Histogram Chart

1. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.

2. In the Charts group, click on the Histogram chart icon. This will open a dropdown menu with different histogram chart subtypes.

3. Choose the desired histogram chart subtype, such as “Histogram” or “Histogram with Pareto Line.”

4. Excel will automatically create a histogram chart based on your selected data range and display it on the worksheet.

excel charts inserting histogram charts

2.4. Formatting the Chart

1. Chart Title: Double-click on the default chart title and enter a descriptive title for your histogram chart, such as “Distribution of Values.”

2. Axis Titles: Click on the chart and go to the Design tab under Chart Tools. In the Add Chart Element dropdown, select Axis Titles and choose the desired options for the horizontal and vertical axes (e.g., “Bin Range” and “Frequency”).

3. Chart Style: In the Design tab, explore the Chart Styles gallery to apply pre-built color schemes and styles to your histogram chart.

4. Bin Width: To adjust the bin width, right-click on any bar in the histogram chart and select Format Data Series. In the Format Data Series pane, under Histogram Options, you can change the Bin Width to make the bars wider or narrower.

By following these steps, you can create a well-formatted and visually appealing histogram chart that effectively represents your data distribution.

excel charts formatting histogram charts
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3. Customizing Chart Elements

To further enhance your histogram and chart output, let’s explore how to customize various chart elements.

3.1. Customizing the Chart Title

1. Double-click on the chart title to activate the text box.

2. Type in a descriptive and informative title for your histogram chart, such as “Distribution of Customer Profit.”

3. To format the title, right-click on the text and select Format Chart Title. In the Format Chart Title pane, you can modify the font, size, color, and alignment of the title.

excel charts customizing histogram charts title

3.2. Verifying and Modifying the Data Range

1. Click on the chart to select it.

2. Go to the Design tab under Chart Tools and click on the Select Data button.

3. In the Select Data Source dialog box, verify that the correct data range is listed under Chart Data Range.

4. If you need to modify the range, click on the arrow button next to the Chart Data Range field.

5. Select the new data range on your worksheet, including the column header if applicable.

6. Click on the Expand Dialog button (the small red arrow) to return to the Select Data Source dialog box.

7. Click OK to apply the changes and update your histogram chart.

excel charts verifying and modifying histogram charts data range

3.3. Customizing Axis Labels

1. Click on the chart to select it.

2. Go to the Design tab under Chart Tools and click on the Add Chart Element dropdown.

3. Hover over Axis Titles and choose the desired options for the horizontal and vertical axes (e.g., “Bin Range” and “Frequency”).

4. To format the axis labels, click on the axis title to select it, then right-click and choose Format Axis Title. In the Format Axis Title pane, you can modify the font, size, color, and alignment of the labels.

excel charts customizing axis label for histogram charts

3.4. Exploring Chart Design Options

1. With your chart selected, go to the Design tab under Chart Tools.

2. In the Chart Layouts group, click on the Quick Layout dropdown to explore pre-built layouts that include chart titles, axis titles, and legends.

3. In the Chart Styles group, click on the More button (the small arrow in the bottom-right corner) to open the Chart Styles gallery. Here, you can apply different color schemes and visual styles to your histogram chart.

4. To customize individual chart elements, such as the plot area, gridlines, or data labels, click on the element to select it. Then, use the Format pane (right-click on the element and choose Format) to modify its properties, such as fill color, border, or font.

By customizing these chart elements, you can create a histogram bar chart that effectively communicates your data story and aligns with your brand or presentation style.

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4. Interpreting the Distribution

One of the primary purposes of a histogram chart is to understand the distribution of your input data well. Here’s how to interpret the information presented in a histogram.

4.1. Identifying the Shape of the Distribution

1. Look at the overall shape of the histogram bars to determine the distribution type. Common distribution shapes include:

Normal distribution: Symmetrical bell-shaped curve, with most data points clustered around the center and fewer points towards the edges.

Skewed distribution: Asymmetrical curve with a long tail on one side, indicating a higher concentration of data points on one end of the range. Bimodal distribution: Two distinct peaks in the histogram, suggesting two separate groups or clusters within the data.

2. The shape of the distribution can provide insights into the nature of your data and help you identify potential outliers or unusual patterns. For example, a skewed distribution may indicate a need for further investigation into the factors contributing to the asymmetry.

excel charts interpreting histogram charts data distribution

4.2. Detecting Outliers and Unusual Patterns

1. Look for bars that are significantly taller or shorter than the surrounding bars, which may indicate outliers or extreme values. These outliers can have a disproportionate impact on the mean and other statistical measures.

2. Identify any gaps or empty bins in the histogram, which may suggest missing data or unusual patterns. Gaps can also indicate a natural break or separation between different groups within the data.

3. Investigate the causes and implications of outliers or unusual patterns in your data. These may provide valuable insights into specific observations that deviate from the norm or highlight areas that require further exploration.

By interpreting the shape, spread, central tendency, and unusual patterns in your own histogram in excel or chart, you can gain a deeper understanding of your data distribution and make informed decisions based on these insights.

excel charts maintaining simplicity and clarity for histogram charts best practice
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5. Best Practices and Tips for Histogram Charts

To create effective and impactful histogram charts, consider the following best practices and tips:

5.1. Choosing the Right Bin Size and Range

1. Determine the appropriate bin size based on the range and distribution of your data. A good rule of thumb is to have between 5 and 20 bins, depending on the size of your dataset.

2. If your data has a wide range, consider using unequal bin sizes to better capture the distribution. For example, you can have smaller bins for the dense regions of your data and larger bins for the sparse regions.

3. Ensure that the bin range covers the full extent of your data, from the minimum to the maximum value. If you exclude data points, your histogram may not accurately represent the true distribution.

4. Experiment with different bin sizes and ranges to find the most informative and visually appealing representation of your data. Try multiple options and assess which one best communicates the key insights and patterns.

excel charts choosing the right bin range for histogram charts best practice

5.2. Maintaining Clarity and Simplicity

1. Keep your histogram chart clean and uncluttered by removing unnecessary gridlines, borders, or data labels. Focus on the essential elements that contribute to the interpretation of the distribution.

2. Use clear and concise titles, axis labels, and legends to help your audience understand the context and meaning of the chart. Avoid using technical jargon or abbreviations that may confuse or mislead the readers.

3. Choose a simple and consistent color scheme for your histogram bars. Use contrasting colors to highlight specific bins or patterns, but avoid using too many colors that can distract from the main message.

4. If your histogram has a large number of bins or a complex distribution, consider adding a summary statistics table or annotation to provide additional context and support the visual representation.

excel charts maintaining simplicity and clarity for histogram charts best practice

5.3. Telling a Compelling Story with Your Data

1. Begin by identifying the key insights and takeaways that your histogram chart reveals about your data distribution. Focus on the most important or surprising findings that can inform decision-making or spark further investigation.

2. Use annotations, callouts, or highlights to draw attention to the most significant aspects of your chart. For example, you can add a text box to point out a notable outlier or a line to indicate a critical threshold or benchmark.

3. Incorporate your histogram chart into a broader narrative or presentation that provides context, explains the significance of the findings, and connects the insights to actionable recommendations or decisions. Use the chart as a visual aid to support your message and engage your audience.

4. Consider the needs and expectations of your audience when presenting your histogram chart. Tailor the level of detail, technical language, and visual style to their background and preferences. Anticipate potential questions or objections and be prepared to provide additional explanations or evidence.

By following these best practices and tips, you can create histogram charts that are visually engaging, easy to interpret, and effective in communicating the key insights about your data distribution to your audience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a histogram chart in Excel?

To make a histogram chart in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your data in a single column or range in your worksheet.
  2. Select the data range, including the column header (if applicable).
  3. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the Charts group, click on the Histogram chart icon.
  5. Choose the desired histogram chart subtype, such as “Histogram” or “Histogram with Pareto Line.”
  6. Excel will automatically create a histogram chart based on your selected data range.
How do I edit a histogram in Excel?

To edit a histogram in Excel:

  1. Click on the histogram chart to select it.
  2. Use the Chart Tools tabs (Design and Format) that appear on the ribbon to access various editing options.
  3. Modify the chart title, axis titles, and other chart elements using the options on the Design tab.
  4. Customize the bin size and range by right-clicking on a bar and selecting “Format Data Series.”
  5. Adjust the chart styles, colors, and layout using the options on the Design and Format tabs.
  6. To change the data range or add/remove data series, click on the Select Data button in the Data group on the Design tab.
How do I make a histogram in Excel with two sets of data?

To create a histogram with two sets of data in Excel:

  1. Enter your two data sets in separate columns in your worksheet.
  2. Select both data ranges, including the column headers (if applicable).
  3. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the Charts group, click on the Histogram chart icon.
  5. Choose the “Histogram” subtype.
  6. Excel will create a histogram chart with both data sets represented by different colored bars.
  7. To customize the appearance and layout of the chart, use the options on the Chart Tools Design and Format tabs.
How do you plot a histogram?

To plot a histogram:

  1. Organize your data in a single column or range.
  2. Determine the appropriate bin size and range based on the distribution of your data.
  3. Use a charting tool, such as Excel, to create a histogram chart.
    • In Excel, select your data range and go to Insert > Charts > Histogram.
  4. Customize the chart elements, such as the title, axis labels, and bin size, to effectively communicate your data distribution.
  5. Interpret the histogram by examining the shape, central tendency, spread, and any unusual patterns or outliers.
What is the best way to create a histogram?

The best way to create a histogram depends on your specific data and requirements, but here are some general tips:

  1. Use a reliable and user-friendly charting tool, such as Excel, that offers histogram chart options.
  2. Ensure your data is organized in a single column or range, without any gaps or missing values.
  3. Choose an appropriate bin size and range that accurately represents the distribution of your data.
  4. Customize the chart elements, such as titles, labels, and colors, to make the histogram clear and visually appealing.
  5. Follow best practices for data visualization, such as maintaining simplicity, using clear labels, and focusing on the key insights.
How do I make a histogram with multiple columns in Excel?

To create a histogram with multiple columns (data series) in Excel:

  1. Enter your data sets in separate columns in your worksheet.
  2. Select all the data ranges, including the column headers (if applicable).
  3. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the Charts group, click on the Histogram chart icon.
  5. Choose the “Histogram” subtype.
  6. Excel will create a histogram chart with each data series represented by different colored bars.
  7. To customize the appearance and layout of the chart, use the options on the Chart Tools Design and Format tabs.
How do I graph two sets of data on one chart in Excel?

To graph two sets of data on one chart in Excel:

  1. Enter your two data sets in separate columns in your worksheet.
  2. Select both data ranges, including the column headers (if applicable).
  3. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon.
  4. In the Charts group, click on the desired chart type (e.g., line, column, or scatter).
  5. Choose the chart subtype that allows for multiple data series.
  6. Excel will create a chart with both data sets represented by different colored lines, bars, or markers.
  7. Customize the chart elements, such as the legend, axis labels, and series names, to differentiate between the two data sets.
What is the difference between a bar chart and a histogram?

The main differences between a bar chart and a histogram are:

  1. Data type: Bar charts are used for categorical data, while histograms are used for continuous numerical data.
  2. Axis representation: In a bar chart, the horizontal axis represents different categories, while in a histogram, the horizontal axis represents the range of values divided into bins.
  3. Spacing: Bar charts typically have spaces between the bars, while histograms have no spaces between the bars (unless there are gaps in the data).
  4. Interpretation: Bar charts compare values across categories, while histograms show the distribution of a single variable over a continuous range.


Mastering Excel histogram charts is essential for professionals looking to analyze and communicate data effectively. By understanding the benefits, creation process, and interpretation techniques for histogram charts, you’ll be well-equipped to gain valuable insights and drive data-driven decision-making in your organization.

You’ve learned how to:

  • The definition and benefits of histogram charts.
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating and customizing histogram charts in Excel.
  • Techniques for interpreting data distribution and using frequency distribution tables.
  • Advanced chart design options and customization techniques.
  • Tips and best practices for effective data analysis with histogram charts.

By putting these lessons into practice and continually refining your histogram chart skills, you’ll be able to communicate complex data in a visually compelling and easily understandable format, setting you apart as a data-driven professional.


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