How to Create an Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker: Visual Guide

Learn how to build a professional stock portfolio tracker in Excel with real-time updates, automated calculations, and visual dashboards. Includes step-by-step instructions, formulas, and charts for tracking investments effectively.

Dynamic Date Example

by Mihir Kamdar / Last Updated:

What You'll Learn

In our step-by-step guide on how to create a live Excel stock portfolio tracker, you’ll learn to:

  • Create a professional stock portfolio tracker that updates in real time.
  • Automate calculations for profits and losses.
  • Develop visual charts to evaluate your portfolio at a glance.
  • Automate refresh features to keep your data current.
  • Create a system similar to the most popular stock tracker apps (but for free).

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To earn like a professional investor, you need access to the same tools. However, while pro investors — and the billion-dollar brokerages backing them — have thousands to spend on proprietary stock portfolio trackers, retail investors don’t. Retail investors need value, the type of value offered by a stock tracker with Excel functions.

This easy-to-follow visual guide will help you create a stock tracker spreadsheet in Excel to rival the best stock tracker apps, websites, or software.

While creating a stock portfolio tracker Excel spreadsheet can be complex, we’ve simplified it. We’ll go over each step with clear instructions and images; all you have to do is follow along.

Essentially, this Excel stock portfolio is better than any paid solution and will have the same result.

1. Creating Your Excel Workbook

Creating a live Excel stock portfolio tracker begins with creating a workbook. Your live stock tracker resides in this workbook and will hold all the data you need to get accurate information about your stock and portfolio performance.

Step 1: Open Excel and Set Up Your Workbook

To create your Excel workbook, you’ll need Microsoft Excel 2016 or later addition; these steps will also work on Microsoft 365. Keep in mind, these steps are designed to create a stock portfolio tracker in Excel and not a Google Sheets stock portfolio tracker.

  • Open Microsoft Excel
  • Click ‘File’ → ‘New’ → ‘Blank Workbook’
  • Click on the ‘Sheet1’ tab at the bottom left.
  • Right-click → ‘Rename’ → type ‘Portfolio’
  • Create an additional sheet by right-clicking, → selecting ‘Insert Sheet’ → name it ‘Dashboard’
Set up Excel Workbook

Pro Tip: Creating a three-sheet structure will help you organize your data efficiently. In the above example, we use the following tab titles:

  • Portfolio: You’ll enter and track stock data on this tab.
  • Dashboard: You’ll view your overall stock portfolio performance in this tab.
  • Calculations: In this tab you’ll calculate complex formulas and backend operations

Step 2: Save Your Workbook

The purpose of this guide is to create an easy-to-follow process that means you don’t have to overthink the process. So, now it’s time to save the workbook.

  • Press Ctrl + S 
  • Choose a location on your computer
  • Name itStock_Portfolio_Trackeras we’ve done in the example.
  • ClickSave’
Save Excel Workbook

2. Creating Your Portfolio Input Sheet

To ensure you’re creating a live stock tracker that functions in Excel, turn your attention to the Portfolio Input sheet.

While this can become complicated, we’ve created a five-step process to simplify it. So let’s build it together.

Step 1: Create 9 Column Headers

Column headers will help you understand what’s happening in your portfolio at a glance.

  • In cell A1, type ‘Stock Symbol’ 
  • In cell B1, type ‘Company Name’
  • In cell C1, type ‘Shares Owned’
  • In cell D1, type ‘Purchase Price’
  • In cell E1, type ‘Purchase Date’
  • In cell F1, type ‘Current Price’
  • In cell G1, type ‘Market Value’
  • In cell H1, type ‘Gain/Loss ($)’
  • In cell I1, type ‘Gain/Loss (%)’
Column Headers Excel Stock Tracking

Step 2: Format Your Headers

To format your headers on the spreadsheet, follow the example below:

  • Select cells A1 to I1
  • Click theHometab on the top left.
  • Navigate toCell Styles→ Click Check Cell.
  • Adjust column widths by selecting columns A through I and Double-clicking between any two column headers to auto-fit
Format Column Headers Excel Stock Tracking
 Step 3: Enter Your Stock Data

Now it’s time to populate your Excel stock portfolio tracker with a diversified example portfolio. You can change the stocks in our example or expand them depending on your needs. Just remember the single function of this stock tracker spreadsheet is to help you track the stocks in your portfolio.

In column A, beneath theStock Symbol’ headline, enter your stock symbols. In this simple example, we’ve input the following stock symbols:

  • A2: NVDA
  • A3: SOFI
  • A4: VST
  • A5: SMCI
  • A6: MSFT
  • A7: MSTR
  • A8: TSLA
How to Enter Stock Data Excel Stock Tracking

Step 4: Enable Stock Data Type

In this step, your stock tracker spreadsheet will begin to function as a live stock tracker app with real-time data:

  • Select cells A2 to A8 and copy paste in B2 to B8
  • Click the ‘Data’ tab
  • Look for ‘Stocks’ in the ‘Data Types’ group
  • Click ‘Stocks’
  • You’ll see the symbols change to stock cards
Enable Stock Data Type - Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker
Step 5: Enter Your Purchase Information

Now, it’s time to enter your purchase information, including how many shares you own, for how much, and when you purchased them. Remember, below are only common examples; enter the figures and dates that apply to your stocks.

In column C (Shares Owned), enter the amounts you have for each stock. Remember, the stocks should correlate with the information in Column B. For this visual example, we’ve entered the following information:

  • C2: 30 (for NVDA)
  • C3: 50 (for SOFI)
  • C4: 75 (for VST)
  • C5: 90 (for SMCI)
  • C6: 100 (for MSFT)
  • C7: 85 (for MSTR)
  • C8: 15 (for TSLA)

In column D (Purchase Price), enter the price you purchased each share.

In the visual examples, we’ve entered the following values:

  • Cell D2: 200
  • D3: 10
  • D4: 100
  • D5: 15
  • D6: 300
  • D7: 200
  • D8: 100

In column E (Purchase Date), enter your purchase dates. After entering your dates:

  • Right-click → Format Cells → and select date.
  • To ensure proper formatting and select date to format date to MM/DD/YYYY

In our example, we’ve entered 1/5/2023 for NVDA.

Enter Stock Purchase Information - Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker
In column F (Current Price), enter the following formula:
  • B2 * [Price]  

Drag this formula to the final row of your stocks. In our example that is F8.

Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker How to Guide

3. Setting Up Calculations

After creating the above formula, it’s time to create the formulas that power your Excel stock market tracker.

Step 1: Calculate Market Value

  1. In cell G2, enter this formula: =C2*F2
  2. Click the small square in the bottom-right corner of G2
  3. Drag down to G8 to copy the formula
  4. You’ll need to format it as currency by highlighting column G.
    • Right-click → Format Cells → Currency
    • Select two decimal places
Calculate Stock Market Value Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker
Step 2: Calculate Dollar Gain/Loss

Assigning a dollar value to your gains and losses is easy. Use the formula we’ve outlined below to enhance the function of your real-time stock tracking.

  1. In cell H2, enter: =G2-(C2*D2)
  2. Drag down this formula to the last column on your stock tracker portfolio.
  3. Format as currency with red negative numbers:
    •  Select H2:H8
    •  Right-click → Format Cells → Currency
    • Select 2 decimal places
    • Click Custom Format 
    • Set negative numbers to red
Dollar Gain Loss Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker
Step 3: Calculate the Percentage of Gains/Losses
The percentage of your gains and losses can be just as — if not more — important than the dollar amounts. Your live stock portfolio tracker won’t be complete unless you’re calculating the percentage of your gains and losses. You can calculate multiple formulas by following this example:
1. In cell I2, enter: =(G2-(C2*D2))/(C2*D2)
2. Select the entire row of stocks.
3. Right-click → Format Cells → Percentage → 2 decimal places
4. Drag down to the final row of your stock trader portfolio.
Percentage Gain Loss Excel Stock Portfolio Tracker

4. Creating Your Stock Dashboard

Remember the dashboard tab you created earlier? In this phase, you’ll use the dashboard tab to transform your portfolio tracker Excel spreadsheet into a professional stock monitoring tool. The dashboard will allow you to perform multiple comparisons and examine complex scenarios. The dashboard is also the hub for conducting additional calculations and seeing how your portfolio is performing at the current date.


Step 1: Insert Icons

To improve the function of your Excel stock portfolio tracker and get pertinent information from your dashboard, insert icons. You can choose any icons you’d like to help you evaluate the data. However, these are the ones we’d recommend and have used in our examples.


  1. On theDashboardsheet, we need four icons.
  2. Go to Home > Icons > TypeMoney> Insert the icons below.
Stock Portfolio Dashboard Insert Icons

Type ‘Bank’ in the search bar and add the icon in the example below.

Bank Icon
Step 2: Create a Portfolio Summary Section

The portfolio summary allows you to evaluate more complex scenarios at a glance. To create it, you’ll need to:

1. Navigate to the ‘Dashboard’ sheet and insert four rectangles (similar to the ones we’ve added in the visual examples below). You can find these shapes in the ‘Shape Format’ tab on the right

2. Fill the shape with the yellow background and remove the black border.

Excel Stock Portfolio Dashboard Summary

3. Insert four text boxes. The text within the box should be 20+ and bold. Insert the following in each text box:

    1. In the first text box type ‘Total Investment’
    2. In the second text box type ‘Current Value’
    3. In the third text box type ‘Total Gain/Loss’
    4. In the fourth text box type ‘Return %’

Step 3: Add Summary Calculations

1. For Total Investment add the text in K2 and this one formula in (L2): =SUMPRODUCT(C2:C8,D2:D8)

Total Investment Excel Stock Portfolio Calculation

 2. For Current Value add the text values in K3 and formula in (L3): =SUMPRODUCT(C2:C8,F2:F8)

Total Current Value Excel Stock Portfolio Calculation

3. For Total Gain/Loss add the text values in K4 and formula in (L4):  =L3-L2

Total Gain Loss Icon

4. For Return % add the text in K5 and formula in (L5):   =L4/L2

Return Percentage

5. Format All Summary Values:

  • Select L2:L4
  • Format as Currency
  • Select L5
  • Format as Percentage with two decimal places
Format All Summary Values
6. Link KPI Value
  • Link KPI values for each box
  • Make it center aligned and font size 20.
Link KPI Values
7. Add Header
  • Insert box and change the color to yellow.
  • Send to back.
Add Header Excel Stock Portfolio Dashboard
  1. Add a title.
  • Insert text box and add the text ‘Stock Portfolio Tracker’.
  • Change the color and outline to yellow.
Add a Title to you Stock Portfolio Dashboard

Step 4: Create a Holdings Overview

You’re finally done inserting formulas. The rest of this guide to create an Excel stock portfolio tracker is straightforward. In the first part, you’ll create the Holdings Summary Table before conducting conditional formatting in part two.

1. Create a Holdings Summary Table (B11:F11):

  • In the Summary Table insert the following Column Headers: Corporation, Shares, Current Price, Market Value, % of Portfolio, Gain Loss $, Gain Loss %
  • Link the data from your Portfolio Input sheet.

2. Format the Holdings Table on the Excel Stock Tracker

To improve the visual appeal of your Holdings Table, we suggest you do the following according to our example:

  • Add borders
  • Alternate row colors for readability
  • Right-align numeric values
  • Format percentages and currency
Create Holdings Table Excel Stock Portfolio Dashboard

5. Adding Portfolio Data Visualizations

Beyond icons on your dashboard that help you evaluate your stock portfolio at a glance, we suggest you improve your portfolio data visualization on your stock tracker through charts rivaling any professional stock tracker app.

Step 1: Create a Portfolio Allocation Chart
An asset allocation chart is ideal for tracking your stock diversification and value, giving you an overview of how you’ve distributed your funds.

1. On your Dashboard sheet:

  • Select the percentage your of portfolio column
  • Navigate to the Home tab
  • Click on conditional format and select data bars (as we’ve done in the example below).
Excel Stock Portfolio Visual Data

Step 2: Create a Performance Bar Chart

Portfolio data visualization isn’t complete without a performance bar chart that helps you understand your stocks’ value.

1. Create the Basic Chart

  • Select the stock symbols and gain/loss values columns
  • Select ‘Insert’ → ‘Bar Chart’
  • Choose ‘2-D Clustered Bar’


See the example below.

Stock Portfolio Performance Bar Chart
2. Format your Stock Performance Chart:
  • Add chart title: ‘Stock Performance – Gain Loss $’
  • Add data labels applicable to your stock portfolio size
  • Remove gridlines
  • Add value labels
  • Format the axis to improve visibility
  • Choose yellow or another eye-catching color for the chart


See the example below.

Stock Portfolio Performance Chart
Step 3: Create a Market Valuation Column Chart

As part of the portfolio data visualization, the Market valuation column chart gives you an easy-to-evaluate view of the value of your portfolio. This chart will help you analyze the individual performance of each stock.

1. To Create the Basic Chart:

  • Select stock symbols and market value
  • Click ‘Insert’ → Column Chart’
  • Select ‘2-D Clustered Column (according to the example below)
Market Valuation Column Chart
2. Format the Market Value Chart:
  • Add chart title:Stock – Market Value’
  • Add data labels
  • Remove gridlines
  • Add value labels
  • Format axis for better visibility
  • Select a color for your market value chart, we’ve chosen yellow
Format the Market Value Chart
Once you’ve completed these steps your portfolio data visualizations will help you ascertain if your stocks are having expected or unexpected results.

6. Implementing Automatic Updates

For your Excel stock portfolio tracker to support your stock tracking it needs to meet this criteria: it must update automatically. 

This part of building your Excel stock portfolio tracker is what turns a typical stock tracker spreadsheet into a real-time stock tracker app.

This final phase of the process is only a two-step process. We’ll dive into how you can turn your stock portfolio tracker Excel spreadsheet into a live portfolio with plenty of visual aids.

Step 1: Add Refresh Menu

1. Go to Insert > Shapes > and Insert a rectangle shape.

Add Refresh Menu

2. Add a text box and include the text ‘Refresh’

Add Refresh

Step 2: Add Refresh Button

1.  Create the Button:

  • Go to Insert > Icons
  • Search for and Select the Refresh Icon
Add a Refresh Button

2. Add VBA Code:

Remember VBA code is case sensitive, so to ensure you’re avoiding a return false result, we suggest you follow this step carefully.

  • Go to Developer tab > Visual Basic > Select ‘Module’
  • Name the button ‘Refresh Data’
  • Add this VBA code:
 				 					   Sub RefreshData()         ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll     End Sub 				 			
Add VBA Code
3. Assign and Test Macro:
You’re almost done. It’s time to test that your refresh button works as its intended to. To do this:
  • Right-click and assign macro
  • Position in an accessible location
To ensure your test is accurate you might want to hone in on a single result on your dashboard.
Assign and Test Macros


You don’t need to be an expert in Excel that understand logical tests, multiple conditions, test scores, mathematical operators, text strings, or syntax.

By following this comprehensive guide, you will have created a powerful Excel stock portfolio tracker that rivals expensive paid solutions with real-time updates, automated calculations, and professional dashboards. Whether you’re tracking a few stocks or managing a diverse portfolio, you now have the essential tools to monitor your investments effectively and make data-driven decisions based on clear visualizations and accurate performance metrics.

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